Thursday, December 3, 2015

In the Beginning...

Almost done with the psychic's web site and shop I'm building and its looking GOOD. 

Yesterday I was on a double chat line with her domain company and also squarespace at the same time trying to switch the new site over. God bless screen shot so I could show my chat line buddies what I was doing to make sure it was right.

In building this site, I'm learning how to set up an online store. Thinking of starting my own shop as well and revamping my site. Gotta love learning new things.

As I was talking to my client yesterday she told me she realized the need for a good website after she went looking to sign up for a workshop and saw another psychics overwhelming purple and butterfly motif.

I told her its fun to figure out a way to sell her supernatural gifts to the mainstream and actually used the term "I'll business you up" so we can forgo the purple, unicorns and butterflies.

Supernatural marketing. My new love...

In between that, I'm realizing the yoga teacher training has paid off in spades as I'm practicing at home or on the beach. Maybe the cemetery next.

Have mat. will travel.

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